solar tube vs skylights

Solar Tube Vs. Skylight: 5 Sharp Differences Solar You Must Know!

Are you planning to cut your power prices by going solar? When you’re a clean energy enthusiast and building a home, one of the challenges you’ll have is deciding between a solar tube and a skylight. The two options are popular among homeowners, but; they have also fueled a heated-up debate of solar tube vs. … Read more

8 Easy Steps To Make A Solar Battery Charger (with Pictures)

Are you a fan of DIY electronics? You’ll enjoy learning how to make a solar battery charger from scratch! Having a DIY skill in electronics is not only a hobby but also a survivalist advantage. Here, the aim is to develop a quick fix that powers your devices with the sun. Follow the steps keenly … Read more

sunrun or solarcity

Sunrun or Solarcity? – Things You Need to Know Before Choose

I’m sure that you are aware that Sunrun and solar city are two of the most significant home solar energy companies in the US. Maybe you’re thinking of using one of them for your home solar system. It’s essential to choose the best solar company for your needs; after all, home solar systems are expensive, … Read more

Solar vs. Nuclear

Solar vs. Nuclear – Which One Should We Invest In?

You’ve probably heard (or read) about the political to-and-fro between Democrats and Republicans on climate change. Was Trump right to withdraw from the 2015 Paris pact on averting the threatening climatic change? Was Biden right to rejoin the accord when he took office? Well, that depends on which party you’re affiliated to. Despite the political … Read more

solar energy vs fossil fuels

Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels – Pros and Cons

Have you installed solar yet? If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you are considering doing so, which is a wise consideration. Recently, advances in home solar technology have reached a level where installing solar panels can lead to significant savings. But before we get carried away, let’s start at the beginning. Why has solar … Read more

solar panels in series vs parallel

Solar Panels in Series vs Parallel – Advantages And Disadvantages

Were you aware that there is more than one way to connect the solar panels in your home solar system? In fact, there are two main techniques for wiring together solar panels, and each has different characteristics. You can choose to wire up your home solar system in a series or a parallel arrangement. In … Read more

Photovoltaic Vs Solar

Photovoltaic VS Solar Thermal: A Detailed Look

More and more people across the world are leaning toward solar power to meet their daily energy needs. Photovoltaic (PV) and Solar Thermal are two popular and established technologies used to generate electricity from the sun. Both of these solar power technologies harness sunlight, but they operate based on different principles to generate electricity and … Read more

LG vs Sunpower Solar Panels

LG vs Sunpower Solar Panels: Everything You Need to Know

LG and Sunpower are the USA’s market-leading solar panel manufacturers. They both make an extensive range of home solar panels using the latest technology to help homeowners generate home solar electricity and cut down on their mains electricity costs. But which of these companies is the best? Does LG or Sunpower make the best solar … Read more

leasing vs buying solar panels

Leasing vs. Buying Solar Panels: Weigh All Your Options

With solar energy being increasingly used in America, where more than 700,000 homes have installed solar panels, it’s time to join the bandwagon. You are not only saving the planet’s deteriorating climate, but you’ll also be spearing a few bucks in electric bills. Despite the decreasing costs of solar panels in recent years, many people … Read more

Flexible vs Rigid Solar Panels: Which is Better for You?

The solar panels you see in home solar systems are almost always flat and rigid. Are you aware that there is another type of solar panel that doesn’t have to be flat? These flexible solar panels seem ideal for installing on curved surfaces, like the roofs of recreational vehicles. But is one technology better than … Read more